Minor Prophets Lessons and Study Questions
Joel – The Day of the Lord God sent the prophet Joel to the southern kingdom of Judah around 830 BC. He probably ministered in
Joel – The Day of the Lord God sent the prophet Joel to the southern kingdom of Judah around 830 BC. He probably ministered in
The Minor Prophets Lesson 1 Joel – The Day of the Lord Throughout recorded history, there have been continual occurrences of various forms of natural
The Minor Prophets Lesson 2 Hosea – The Living Illustration Hosea was a prophet that God raised up to minister to Israel from about 755
The Minor Prophets Lesson 3 Jonah – The Sign of Jonah The book of Jonah is black and blue from abuse by skeptics. No
Amos—The Certainty of Judgment Amos was not a prophet by vocation. He had been a manager of shepherds and a grower of figs in
The Minor Prophets Lesson 5 Nahum – The Fall of Nineveh The book of Nahum is about the fall of the great city of Nineveh.
Zephaniah—the Day of the Lord In approximately 695 BC, Manasseh became king of Judah and Jerusalem at the age of twelve, and he reigned
The Burden of Habakkuk The prophet Habakkuk represented God in Jerusalem in the time frame of 609-605 BC. This was just prior to the first
Haggai—The Idolatry of Inverted Priorities When Babylon invaded Judea and destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC, the destruction of Solomon’s Temple was the end of
Zechariah—the Most Messianic and Apocalyptic of the Prophets The emphasis of Zechariah the prophet, especially in the second section of his book, is not
The Minor Prophets Lesson 10 Prophecy in the Old Testament About Christ Both Jesus and the authors of the New Testament emphasized the use
The History of Israel Between the Old and New Testament The Old Testament in our Bible closes with the Book of Malachi which was written