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Charlie Taylor

Solomon’s View of Wisdom
Solomon’s Conflicted View of Wisdom The section of the Bible generally called “wisdom literature” by theologians is Job, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes. In each of

Saul’s Transformation into the Apostle Paul
Saul’s Transformation into the Apostle Paul Did you ever wonder how such a humble, obscure man like Jesus of Nazareth gained so many followers?

2 Samuel 6 the Ark
Psalm 24—Approaching God Traditionally, Psalm 24 was written by David after the occasion of his bringing the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem to

Psalm 1—Divergent Paths and Destinations
Psalm 1—Divergent Paths and Destinations Psalm 1 was most likely written by David as an introduction to Psalm 2 concerning the rebellion of mankind

2 Samuel 13-18 Absalom
2 Samuel 13-18, Absalom—Vanity of Vanities We are all familiar with the David and Bathsheba story, but the aftermath consequences are revealed in 2

2 Samuel 12 Nathan and David
2 Samuel 12–How The Mighty Have Fallen More ink is given in the Bible to David—62 chapters in the Old Testament and 59 references

Aftermath of 1 Samuel—Why do the Wicked Appear to Prosper?
Aftermath of 1 Samuel—Why do the Wicked Appear to Prosper? Psalm 37 is one of David’s masterpieces of alphabetic acrostic poetry. Each letter of

1 Samuel 27
1 Samuel 27-31, David Goes Over to the Dark Side For the second time, in 1 Sam.26, David proved his innocence when Saul came

1 Samuel 25 Abigail and David
1 Samuel 25, Vengeance Belongs to God In 1 Samuel 24, David’s patience and mercy were put to the test when King Saul had

1 Samuel 18—For the Love of David
1 Samuel 18—For the Love of David Chapter 18 is a sequel to the David and Goliath story. David’s victory had a huge impact

1 Samuel 17
1 Samuel 17, David and Goliath by Charlie Taylor About 1050 B.C., Israel was experiencing a leadership crisis. In the previous book of Judges,

1 Samuel 1-16, The Setting for the Monarchy of Israel
1 Samuel 1-16, The Setting for the Monarchy of Israel The history book we call 1 Samuel, is the history of the transition of

Proverbs 3
Proverbs 3:5-8 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him

Philippians and Joy in all circumstances – Happiness Through a Spiritual Perspective
Happiness Through a Spiritual Perspective Happiness is first and foremost a mindset, a way of thinking, even an attitude. Most people are chasing after

Philippians 4:10-23—New Year’s Resolution
Philippians 4—New Year’s Resolution–Don’t Worry, Be Happy Every year January brings the traditional New Year’s resolutions to improve ourselves. It has become almost an

Philippians 3 Surpassing Value
Philippians 3–Contrast of True Faith vs. Legalism In Philippians 1, Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi about his circumstances as a prisoner in

Philippians 2:12-30, A Good Workout
Philippians 2:12-30, A Good Workout The Apostle Paul writing to the church at Philippi, began an encouraging word to the church in Phil.1:27 to

Introduction to Philippians
What is Living? In Paul’s “Prison Epistles” of Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, he makes it abundantly clear what living is to him, and should