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Charlie Taylor

Colossians 1:1-14: The All-Sufficiency of Christ
One of the themes that runs throughout the letters of Paul to the churches is the all-sufficiency of Christ. It seems that wherever he had

Colossians 2 – The Colossian Heresy
We know little about the town of Colossae in Asia Minor except that it was about 100 miles east of Ephesus where Paul spent about

Luke 4 – Authority
AUTHORITY This is the important issue that divides people into many camps. Who or what is your authority determines the decisions you make, where

Hebrews 1 – God the Son
Hebrews 1 – God the Son Christianity is a totally unique religion because it has a totally unique Savior in Jesus Christ. In all other
The Deity of Christ Outline
The Deity of Christ I. KEY PASSAGES Compare Genesis 1 to John 1:1-2 John 1:14, 18; 10:30; 14:9 Colossians 1:15-17 Hebrews 1: 1-4 II.
Timeline for first Thanksgiving
Timeline of First Thanksgiving 1517—Martin Luther starts the “protest” that begins the Reformation 1533—King Henry VIII asks the Pope for a divorce from

Titus 2:11-15, The Appearing of God’s Grace
Titus 2:11-15, The Appearing of God’s Grace by CHARLIE TAYLOR In Titus 2, Paul presents the “appearing” of two acts of grace by God.

Authority of the Word
Authority All of us have an inclination towards independence. We feel naturally that we should be left alone to “do our own thing”. We

Angels The existence of angels in the Bible cannot be disputed. They are mentioned throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. They are prominent

Romans 4 – Faith Credit
Romans 4—Faith Credit in the OT In order to prove up Paul’s doctrine of salvation by faith in God’s grace, Paul used the true

Romans 9: “It is not as though God’s Word has failed”
Romans 9:6, “It is not as though God’s Word has failed” Romans 8:31-39 is an awesome assurance and celebration of God’s faithfulness in saving

Romans 7—Cognitive Dissonance
Romans 7—Cognitive Dissonance In 1957, Leon Festinger wrote A THEORY OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE about the conflict in all of our minds when we believe

Romans 3-23 Sin Nature
Romans 3:23, The Nature of Man Without Christ I have been teaching many Bible study classes over a long period of time, and I

Romans 10:1-3 – Be Like Mike
Be Like Mike—Rom.10:1-3 An advertiser made the slogan “Be like Mike” famous and sold a lot of product off the endorsements of Michael Jordan.

Jacob’s Prayer
Jacob’s Prayer I asked for strength that I might achieve; He made me weak that I might obey. I asked for health that I

Romans 8 – The Trinity in Romans 8 and the Doctrine of Holiness
The Trinity in Romans 8 and the Doctrine of Holiness Romans 8:1-13 is a summary of the preceding 7 chapters in Romans, but now

The Reliability of Scripture as the Word of God
The Reliability of Scripture as the Word of God A month ago someone asked me, “Why do you have such a high regard for

The Necessity of the Crucifixion
The Necessity of the Crucifixion I was recently watching the academy award winning 2000 movie “Gladiator” with Russell Crowe on TV. The basic