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Charlie Taylor

Introduction to Acts
The Church The Christian life is not meant to be a solitary life. In the book of Acts, we discover that new Christians became

For Whom the Bell Tolls
For Whom the Bell Tolls You have heard of the book and movie by Hemingway, but “for whom the bell tolls” is actually a

Forgiveness to the Injured Does Belong
Forgiveness to the Injured Does Belong The problem with forgiveness is that it seems unnatural. Just because someone says I’m sorry, I’m supposed to

Forgiveness-It’s Hard to Do
Forgiveness—It’s Harder Than You Thought If you are like me, you have found that you can believe in forgiveness and even teach it to

Evil, Why?
Why, Why, Why Evil? When I was about ten years old I was an inquisitive lad that asked my Dad a lot of questions.

Evolution Versus Creation
Evolution Versus Creation I just got through reading an interesting article by respected evangelical theologian R.C. Sproul about how he changed his mind about

Doctrines of the Bible
Doctrines of the Bible (Doctrines for Dummies) I. Revelation—types and means of God revealing Himself and His will A. Inspiration, inerrancy, illumination, interpretation B. Canonicity,

Discontent of the Human Race Without God
Discontent of the Human Race Without God It was Spring but it was Summer I wanted—the warm days, being outdoors. It was Summer, but

Matthew 11:3 — Disappointment With God
Disappointment With God—Matthew 11:3 Prophets in the Bible were God’s spokespersons who made big sacrifices in their personal lives to represent God well. They

Doctrine of Prayer in the Bible (outline)
Doctrine of Prayer in the Bible – Outline I. Pray to God the Father, through Jesus, and in the Spirit Ps.63:1, Luke 6:12 II.

Definitions of Prayer
Definitions of Prayer The act of humans attempting to communicate with God. The act of communicating with God through praise, worship, thanksgiving, and

CURSES ! In studying the Psalms of David and comparing them to the historical accounts of David’s amazing “wild and wooly” life found in

Competition Competition seems to be the essence of the American dream. No matter what theatre of operations you live in you find yourself competing

CHANGE Someone once said, “There is nothing permanent in life but change, but the only one who likes change is a wet baby”. Two

Caesarea Maritima
Caesarea Maritima—Herod’s Masterpiece Ancient Caesarea was a town built about 25 BC by Herod the Great as a great port on the Mediterranean Sea. King

ARMAGEDDON Everybody thinks they know what Armageddon is—even Webster’s Dictionary, but I’m finding very few people even have a clue. Amazingly, it is a

Approximate Order of Israel Messages
Approximate Order of Israel Messages Caesarea Maritima Acts 10 Armageddon Before and After Elijah the prophet Be of the Attitude—Sermon on the Mount Mark

Symbolism in the Book of Revelation
Symbolism in the Book of Revelation I have been asked many times why there is so much symbolism in the last book of the