Exodus Chapter 20: The Ten Suggestions
Exodus 20—the Ten Suggestions ? James Patterson and Peter Kim wrote a book entitled THE DAY AMERICA TOLD THE TRUTH. They did widespread surveys
Exodus 20—the Ten Suggestions ? James Patterson and Peter Kim wrote a book entitled THE DAY AMERICA TOLD THE TRUTH. They did widespread surveys
Mark 8:27—Who do You Say that I Am? So far in the Gospel of Mark we have encountered various views of who Jesus is.
Mark 9—The Transfiguration Imagine the scene as Jesus led His chosen disciples, Peter, James, and John up the slopes of the tallest mountain in
Mark 12—the Parables of the Passion Week On Monday of the Passion Week of Christ, Jesus left Bethany where they were staying, and returned
Christmas In The Old Testament Someone told me that the great philosopher, Plato, said that as one goes through life, he must find the opinions
Acts 8-9: God’s Chosen Instruments In Acts 1:8, Jesus had commanded the disciples to go and be His witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even
Luke 6:20-49, the Sermon on the Level This sermon is one of four lengthy sermons that Jesus taught that is recorded in the
The Day the Fish Jumped into the Boat In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible has a wonderful story about a teaching miracle that Jesus did at
Luke 3-4, the Baptism and Temptation of Christ Before Jesus, baptisms were performed in local Synagogues for converts or proselytes. It was an initiation ceremony
Luke 2:21-38, the Witnesses to Christ Pile Up The basic legal principle to the Mosaic Law required that a person’s testimony must be confirmed by
Luke 18:9-14, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector In business, the super successful like Donald Trump are full of confidence and pride in their achievements.
Luke 16:19, the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus During Jesus’ ministry, He was appealing to the humble downtrodden people who recognize their guilt
Lesson 1: Fall 14 Lesson 1 ; Luke-That you May Know the Truth Lesson 2: Fall 14 Lesson 2 ; Luke3 Baptism and Temptation Lesson 3: Fall
Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan For years I was baffled by this classic popular parable. Jesus seems to be asking us to exhibit a love
Try to imagine the scene in which Jesus taught the Parable of the Sower, the Seeds, and the Soils. In Matt.11-12, the increasing