Forgiveness-It’s Hard to Do
Forgiveness—It’s Harder Than You Thought If you are like me, you have found that you can believe in forgiveness and even teach it to
Forgiveness—It’s Harder Than You Thought If you are like me, you have found that you can believe in forgiveness and even teach it to
1 John 2–the Problem of Sin It was the author, John’s purpose that the churches not sin, but he had already said that “If we
Saul’s Transformation into the Apostle Paul Did you ever wonder how such a humble, obscure man like Jesus of Nazareth gained so many followers?
1 Samuel 17, David and Goliath by Charlie Taylor About 1050 B.C., Israel was experiencing a leadership crisis. In the previous book of Judges,
Melchizedek In Psalm 110, we learn that Melchizedek was a type of Christ, or you might say that he was the type of High
Luke 3-4, the Baptism and Temptation of Christ by CHARLIE TAYLOR Before Jesus, baptisms were performed in local Synagogues for converts or proselytes. It
John 7 Structure Topics—1. Uncertainty as to who Jesus is Controversy over the Sabbath healings Who is at work, God or the devil? Rising
John 6:26-69 After Jesus had performed the miracle of feeding the 5000 with bread and fish that He had created, the huge crowd decided
John 7—the Rising Opposition to Jesus In John 7:1, we read that “after these things Jesus was walking in Galilee”, and purposefully staying away from
Isaiah the Prophet Prophecy begins in Genesis, but the section of the Bible called the Prophets begins with Isaiah. The prophets were men raised up
Genesis 1-2, the Six Days of Creation In Genesis 1:1, there are two possible translations of this first verse that are equally possible. It could
The Trinity in Romans 8 and the Doctrine of Holiness Romans 8:1-13 is a summary of the preceding 7 chapters in Romans, but now
Luke 2:21-38, the Witnesses to Christ Pile Up The basic legal principle to the Mosaic Law required that a person’s testimony must be confirmed by