Romans 1 – The Righteousness of God
Romans 1 Before his third missionary journey, Paul had written all the churches in Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece about collecting donations for the poverty
Romans 1 Before his third missionary journey, Paul had written all the churches in Asia Minor, Macedonia, and Greece about collecting donations for the poverty
The Burden of Habakkuk The prophet Habakkuk represented God in Jerusalem in the time frame of 609-605 BC. This was just prior to the first
Philippians 2:5-8, the Kenosis Kenosis is a theological term that comes from the Greek word for emptiness. The word is used in Philippians 2:7 to
The Formation of the New Testament I. Judaism and Christianity as Bookish Religions. A. Unique in a Pagan world. B. Revelation from God in propositional
The Final Four: Objections to the Resurrection As much as I like basketball, this final four has nothing to do with sports. This final four
The Fall of Nineveh The book of Nahum is about the fall of the great city of Nineveh. You have maybe read books about the
The Day the Fish Jumped into the Boat In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible has a wonderful story about a teaching miracle that Jesus did at
The Colossian Heresy We know little about the town of Colossae in Asia Minor except that it was about 100 miles east of Ephesus where
The Blessings of Brokenness Obviously the Book of Daniel was written by Daniel (although liberal scholars would disagree), but very few people have noticed that
The All Things to All People Church In the Book of Revelation, John is told to write a letter to the seven churches in Asia
Testing the Faith of Abraham Abraham is the patriarch of three of the great religions on earth. Each portrays him as a great man of
Suffering Faithfully You know those warning deals on the radio they do? They come on while you are relaxing in your car listening to music—“For
Samson’s Hair I have never heard a sermon from the pulpit about the virtues of Samson. They avoid him like the plague. The library is
RELUCTANT PROPHETS AND CLUELESS DISCIPLES 1. Jacob (Israel), was God’s chosen instrument to represent Him, so he lied to and deceived his father and tried
Religious Ambition, the Cost of Religious Pride Last Monday, I was a tourist walking around in Bethlehem primarily to visit one of the oldest operating
Putting Out the Fleece Perhaps you have heard the expression of putting out the fleece. It comes from the story of Gideon in the book
Paul Introduces Himself to the Romans About 57 AD, Paul wrote his letter to the Christians at Rome. Paul was on his thied missionary journey
Palm Sunday A common misconception is that Palm Sunday was the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and was a spontaneous demonstration of His followers.