The Red Sea Rules by Robert Morgan
Published by Thomas Nelson Publishers
In his book, THE RED SEA RULES, Robert Morgan has taken the story of Exodus 14 and developed ten rules or principles to live by when you feel trapped by adverse circumstances such as Israel found itself at the Red Sea.

As Morgan said as he read Exodus 14, “ten rules unfolded like rubber rafts; ten ways of handling dilemmas and discouragements—a divine protocol; for handling life when we find ourselves caught between the devil and the deep Red Sea.” I have put together the following outline in hopes of providing a “biblical” method to process seemingly unsolvable problems by faith.
I. Realize God Means for You to be Where You Are
A. God leads us into cul-de-sacs for reasons only He knows, Ex.14:1-3
1.Trapped by circumstances 2.Don’t be surprised, 1 Peter 4:12
B. Respond by converting worries to prayers and fears to faith
1.Know that God has a purpose 2.God will bring good out of it
II. Be More Concerned for God’s Glory than for Your Relief
A. Purpose of 10 plagues of Egypt and the parting of the Red Sea
B. The sufficiency of divine grace, 1 Cor.10:13
1.He turns difficulties into deliverances 2.Problems into praise
C. Ask the right questions
1.Wrong-How can I get out of this mess?
2.Right-How can God be glorified? Jn.9:3;11:4;12:27-28
III. Acknowledge Your Enemy, but Keep Your Eyes on the Lord, Eph.6:12
A. Unyielding enemies—Pharaoh and Satan
1.They covet the place of God 2.They are enraged-lions, wolves
B. Our response—draw near to Christ, 1 Peter 5:9, Eph.4:26-27
IV. Pray—Cry Out to the Lord, Ex.14:10, 2 Sam.22:7
A. Crisis time prayers
1.Intense, Eph.6:18, desperate 2.Urgent, fervent,Col.4:2,James 5:16
B. Prayer of faith, James 5:15
V. Stay Calm and Give God Time to Work, Ex.14:13-14
A. Wait on the Lord, Rom.12:19, Ps.37:7-8; 46:10
B. Keep your emotions under control—don’t trust your emotions
1.God said “do not be afraid” over 150 times
2.Walk by faith not appearances, 2 Cor.4:18
3.Be confident in the Lord
C. Faith raises the soul above the difficulty
VI. Take the Next Logical Step by Faith, Ex.14:15, “Go forward”
A. Day by day do what comes next, Ps.42:8
1.Live one day ay a time, Matt.6:34
2.Trust God for guidance in small increments
B. God is with you, Ex.3:12
VII. Envision God’s Enveloping Presence, Ex.14:19-20
A. The Lord guards us and guides us, Ps.23
B. Our Shepherd and our Shield, Ps.46:1, Acts 18:9-10
C. He is both before us and behind us, Is.52:12, Ps.139:5-6
D. Visualize the Lord’s abiding presence in your mind using images
1. a rock of refuge 2.carried on wings of eagles
E. We have a personal, intimate God
VIII. Trust God to Deliver in His Own Unique Way, Ex.14:21-22
A. Miraculous ways–the Red Sea was a gateway to Israel but a
graveyard to Egypt.
B. God’s ways are not our ways. Isa.55:8
C. Judge God by biblical truth, not appearances
D. God’s providential ways
1.not miraculous 2.ordinary natural ways, Rom.8:28
E. God’s mysterious ways, Jn.13:7, 1 Cor.2:6-9 will understand later the end it will be better
F. The most unique, unexpected, hard to understand deliverance
1.the incarnation 2.crucifixion(Jn.12:16) 3.resurrection(Luke 24)
IX. View Your Current Crisis as a Faith Builder, Ex.14:30-31
A. Treadmills for the soul mature us deepen our faith, Rom.4:20-21
B. Faith building is pleasing to God, Heb.11:6
C. Expect all faith to be tested, Mark 4:34-41
D. Find and claim the promises of God in every situation
X. Don’t Forget to Praise God, Ex.15:1-2
A. Have an attitude of gratitude, Col.3:1-3
B. We need God on His throne in all His glory
C. Notice the wonder of His creation
D. The perspective of Heaven is focused on God’s glory, Rev.19:1-6
E. Thanksgiving for what God has done, is doing, and is going to do
Charlie Taylor
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