Romans 2:25 – False Security of Ritual
Romans 2:25-False Security of Ritual In Romans 2, Paul presented the principle that the human race typically puts confidence for their salvation in four areas:
Romans 2:25-False Security of Ritual In Romans 2, Paul presented the principle that the human race typically puts confidence for their salvation in four areas:
The Reliability of Scripture as the Word of God A month ago someone asked me, “Why do you have such a high regard for
Romans 4—Faith Credit in the OT In order to prove up Paul’s doctrine of salvation by faith in God’s grace, Paul used the true
Caesarea Maritima—Herod’s Masterpiece Ancient Caesarea was a town built about 25 BC by Herod the Great as a great port on the Mediterranean Sea. King
Joy in the Midst of Suffering The Apostle Paul had a unique attitude that was very much contrary to the ways of the world
The All-Sufficiency of Christ One of the themes that runs throughout the letters of Paul to the churches is the all-sufficiency of Christ. It
Timeline of New Testament in the First Century 26-30 A.D. —Jesus began His ministry 30-33 A.D. —Jesus’ resurrection, ascension to heaven, and Pentecost
Excuses, Excuses Most Christians are so focused on the stuff in the world, so immersed in their business, their family, and their possessions; that they
Saul’s Transformation into the Apostle Paul Did you ever wonder how such a humble, obscure man like Jesus of Nazareth gained so many followers?
What is Living? In Paul’s “Prison Epistles” of Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, he makes it abundantly clear what living is to him, and should
Philippians 1—“I Will Rejoice” I just finished reading for the second time a wonderful non-fiction book, THE BOYS IN THE BOAT about the University
Philippians 3–Contrast of True Faith vs. Legalism In Philippians 1, Paul wrote to the Church at Philippi about his circumstances as a prisoner in
Luke—That You May Know the Truth Could you answer the trivia question, “Who is the only non-Jewish author in the New Testament?” If you
The Relationship Between Hardship and the Love of God When I first became a Christian at the age of 22, my faith was a simple
Happiness Through a Spiritual Perspective Happiness is first and foremost a mindset, a way of thinking, even an attitude. Most people are chasing after
Paul vs. James Two seemingly contradictory doctrinal statements about faith and belief: Rom: 4:1-5 vs. James: 2:14 – Eph. 2: 8-9 Different authors, writing to
Farewell Discourses of Moses, Joshua, Jesus, and Paul There are many famous farewell discourses by great men in the Bible. Those that stand out
Inheritance Promises to Israel One of the key promises of God in the Bible that has always made the Jews a special people is