Genesis 1:1-2
In the Beginning I just got through reading an interesting article by respected evangelical theologian R.C. Sproul about how he changed his mind about the
In the Beginning I just got through reading an interesting article by respected evangelical theologian R.C. Sproul about how he changed his mind about the
Genesis 1-2, the Six Days of Creation In Genesis 1:1, there are two possible translations of this first verse that are equally possible. It could
The Apostle Paul wrote an illuminating message in Romans 8:18-23 comparing this world we currently live in to the perfect heavenly realm that we are
In Genesis 4, we are introduced to the world’s first dysfunctional family. In the previous chapter, Adam and Eve had fallen into sin by disobeying
Genesis 6-9, the De-creation of the Flood In Genesis 6:5, we have the condition of the human race immediately before the great flood. This
Inheritance Promises to Israel One of the key promises of God in the Bible that has always made the Jews a special people is
Genesis 13—the Choice Abram had a lapse in faith in Genesis 12:10, and went to Egypt to escape the famine. While he was there
Why did God bless and set the Ishmaelites in their own land as a people who would always be against Israel? Why did God give
Genesis 16—Running Ahead of God People often ask, “How do you know that the God of the western civilization, or the God of America is
Genesis 21-22, the Child of Promise by Charlie Taylor In Paul’s treatment of the Isaac- Ishmael story and conflict in Galatians 4:21-31, he calls
The Abrahamic Covenant-Genesis 22 In Genesis 22, when Isaac was probably in his early twenties, God “tested Abraham”. In verse 2 we are given God’s
Genesis 27—The Original Soap Opera The bulk of the book of Genesis is concerned with the family of Abraham. In fact, Moses wrote Genesis
Genesis 28—The Stairway to Heaven After reading about Isaac’s dysfunctional family in Genesis 27, we wonder how that family could be the one in
Genesis 29-30: The Children of Jacob The nation of Israel is named after Jacob who was the grandson of Abraham. God told Jacob and his
Genesis 32: Wrestling With God In Genesis 25, Abraham passes away, and Isaac, the child of the promise of God became the next patriarch of
Genesis 34—Bethel or Shechem ? In Genesis 33, we read of the historic restoration of Jacob and his brother Esau. Twenty years before Jacob
Genesis 37, the Fortunate Son The story of Abraham’s grandson Jacob has been developed in Genesis 25 to 35. In Genesis 32, Jacob’s narrative
Genesis 38-Judah and Tamar After the Genesis 37 account of Joseph sold into slavery in Egypt, we the students are led to believe the