Revelation Lessons and Study Questions
Lesson 1: John’s Epiphany of the Glorified Christ The Apostle John was a historical person. John wrote this letter to seven literal churches in literal
Lesson 1: John’s Epiphany of the Glorified Christ The Apostle John was a historical person. John wrote this letter to seven literal churches in literal
The Revelation of Jesus Christ Given to John Wouldn’t you like to know what heaven looks like, and what goes on there? What do
Prophetic History of the Church The book of Revelation was of course written to everyone as the revelation from God, but specifically, at the
Ten Common Threads that run through all the Messages to the Churches Jesus is right in the midst of all the churches—AND HE KNOWS
Revelation 4-6 Quote 1 Timothy 6:16 Why the 24 elders are church leaders; 1.The word elder is only used in the N. T. for
Revelation 4-6, Take a Trip to Heaven I remember in Exodus 33 when God asked Moses what he would like to see, Moses said,
CHANGE Someone once said, “There is nothing permanent in life but change, but the only one who likes change is a wet baby”. Two
ARMAGEDDON Everybody thinks they know what Armageddon is—even Webster’s Dictionary, but I’m finding very few people even have a clue. Amazingly, it is a
Revelation—the Self Disclosure of God “To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? Says the Holy God. Lift up
Revelation 12–this Present Darkness In Ephesians 6, Paul tells us that all the struggles, pain, wars, and tragedies are caused by more than meets the
Revelation 13–the Antichrist I think I have seen at least ten Hollywood movies about the Antichrist, including the movie and recent TV version of “Rosemary’s
Revelation 14-16, This is the End Rev.14:1-5 The Lamb of God (Jesus) returning to the Mt. of Olives—Acts 1:10-12, Zechariah 14:4 144,000 evangelists from
Revelation 14–Overcoming the World In Revelation 11:15, the 7th trumpet sounded signaling the last series of judgments poured out on the world (details of the
Symbolism in the Book of Revelation I have been asked many times why there is so much symbolism in the last book of the
Two Great Suppers at the End of the Age Revelation 19 speaks of two different and distinct suppers that will occur in the “end
Who Are the 144,000 of Revelation 7 ? In chapter 6 of Revelation, the focus is on the end times just preceding the second