Introduction to Acts
The Church The Christian life is not meant to be a solitary life. In the book of Acts, we discover that new Christians became
The Church The Christian life is not meant to be a solitary life. In the book of Acts, we discover that new Christians became
Below you will find the lessons and study material for the Spring 2016 Monday Bible Study of Acts. The first lesson will be on February 1st and go thru March 21.
The New Testament book called “Acts” is unique in the Bible in that it records about 30 years of history of the early church following
Acts 2—The Birth of the Church Jesus had been crucified the week of the Passover, and then He was resurrected and appeared for 40 days
Acts 3-5: An Unexpected Miracle When we think of miracles that Jesus did, we may think of people that approached Jesus with a desperate need,
Acts 8-9: God’s Chosen Instruments In Acts 1:8, Jesus had commanded the disciples to go and be His witnesses to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even
Acts 10—To the Ends of the Earth We are all aware of exclusivism or barriers between cultures and races of people. In High School they
Most people believe in miracles, but we may believe that God does miracles mainly out of compassion. I find in studying the book of Acts
Acts 14—Seven Qualities for Effective Ministry Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave a final but all important command to His disciples in Acts 1:8,
Acts 16-17: The Sovereignty of God in Evangelism At the end of Acts 15, we see that Paul and Barnabas had a “sharp” disagreement about
Acts 19—Wild Times at Ephesus On his third missionary journey in Acts 19, Paul came back to the city of Ephesus, which he had visited
Paul finally gets to testify before the Roman rulers of the world. Paul appears before the Roman Governor Felix to hear the accusations against him,