Topical Lessons and Articles

Linmania, Tebow Time, Superman, and Jesus
Linmania, Tebow Time, Superman, and Jesus In 2011 and 2012, the big sports stories were centered around two fine young men of the highest

Martin Luther the 500 year anniversary
Martin Luther, the 500 Year Anniversary of the 95 Theses On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther changed the course of church history. On that

Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism
Pluralism, Inclusivism, and Exclusivism Of the 3 “camps”, the pluralistic may be quickly discarded based on a wealth of consistent Bible passages and human

Principles of the Confusing Nature of “I am with you”
Principles of the Confusing Nature of “I am with you” Don’t mistake time for eternity. God may not seem to be with us in

Prophecy in the Old Testament About Christ
Prophecy in the Old Testament About Christ Both Jesus and the authors of the New Testament emphasized the use of previously issued predictions about the

Questions About Prayer
Questions About Prayer Why is prayer so universal? It is in every culture and religion. Is God really listening? Why should God care

The All-Sufficiency of Christ
The All-Sufficiency of Christ One of the themes that runs throughout the letters of Paul to the churches is the all-sufficiency of Christ. It

The Doctrines That Shook Up the World in 1517
The Doctrines That Shook Up the World in 1517 The Reformation began in 1517 when a German priest nailed his “95 Theses” or protests

The First Day of the Week
The First Day of the Week Last week we explored the fourth command of the Ten Commandments in a quest to see what it

The Incarnation and My Top Ten Passages
The Incarnation and My Top Ten Passages The most historically disputed and most important Christian doctrine is concerning the nature of Christ. In the

The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s Prayer You memorized it as a kid but did you really understand it? Did you know what you were praying? In the

The Torah Jesus Taught
The Torah Jesus Taught In Judaism, the first five books of our Christian Bible are called The Torah. Torah is Hebrew for teaching, and