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Principles of the Confusing Nature of “I am with you”

Principles of the Confusing Nature of “I am with you”


  1. Don’t mistake time for eternity. God may not seem to be with us in the short run, but He clearly is in the long run (1 Peter 5:10).


  1. Don’t mistake the physical/material for the spiritual. God is with us spiritually, not necessarily materially. Moses and Israel were primarily focused on relief from slavery, but God’s purpose was greater—a revelation of Himself. 


  1. God has an infinite/eternal perspective as opposed to our finite perspective. God’s plan/wisdom is beyond us to comprehend at this time (Isa. 55:8, Rom.11:33-34).


  1. God has a ministry to us in the midst of trouble. The ministry is not to do away with the trouble, but to test and refine us through the trouble (Deut. 8:2-3, 1 Peter 1:3-7, 4:12; Rom.5:3-4, James 1:2-4).


  1. When we read Romans 8:28 “All things work together for good”, we need to continue to v. 29 where we are given the primary meaning of “good”, “to become conformed to the image of Christ”.


  1. God uses trouble to humble us so we can be of service (2 Cor 12:7-9; 1 Peter 5:5). God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. 


  1. We need to redefine success. The world defines success as personal accomplishments, wealth, power, trophies, degrees. Biblical success is obedience by faith. The most successful people are in Hebrews 11. One of the most successful men ever is Epaphroditus (Phil.2:25), yet no one has ever heard of him.


  1. God is with you to manifest Himself, not you. Moses was a medium, a messenger for God. We are ambassadors, stewards, we represent God not ourselves (2 Cor.5:20).


  1. In Exodus 6:1-8, God said because of whom “I am” is the reason “I will do” what is best for you. 


  1. This would not be the fallen world if there was not trouble, it would be Heaven. Trouble is the nature of this world. Who would look forward to Heaven if this world was perfect? Who would need to live by faith? (1 Peter 4:12)


  1. Immanuel is the prophetic name of Christ from Isaiah 7:14. Immanuel means “God is with us”. Immanuel, the Christ is the ultimate answer to “Why doesn’t God do something?”
About the Author: Charlie Taylor
About the Author: Charlie Taylor

Charlie Taylor grew up in Dallas, Texas, graduated from the University of Texas Business School and went into the commercial real estate business for about twenty years before enrolling in and graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary with honors.

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