Genesis 22: The Abrahamic Covenant
The Abrahamic Covenant-Genesis 22 In Genesis 22, when Isaac was probably in his early twenties, God “tested Abraham”. In verse 2 we are given God’s
The Abrahamic Covenant-Genesis 22 In Genesis 22, when Isaac was probably in his early twenties, God “tested Abraham”. In verse 2 we are given God’s
Baffling Questions From the Book of Genesis Many of us really struggle with Genesis because it has some seemingly strange stories and hard to believe
Herod’s Temple Under the leadership of King Herod the Great, Jerusalem became one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and was a major
Herod the Great In 40 BC, Mark Antony of Rome was so impressed with Herod that he personally presented Herod to the Roman Senate, and
Baffling Questions From Genesis: Part 2 The two most asked questions I am confronted with by critics are, “Who did Cain marry, and How did
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Dead Sea Scrolls In January of 1947, three Bedouin boys were tending to their sheep and goats in a desert area just northwest of the
The Torah Jesus Taught In Judaism, the first five books of our Christian Bible are called The Torah. Torah is Hebrew for teaching, and
The History of Israel Between the Old and New Testament The Old Testament in our Bible closes with the Book of Malachi which was written