What Are You Prepared to Do?
What Are You Prepared to Do ? This was a famous line from the movie, “The Untouchables” uttered with great drama by Sean Connery
What Are You Prepared to Do ? This was a famous line from the movie, “The Untouchables” uttered with great drama by Sean Connery
Miracle Definitions Websters—“an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs” Wikipedia—“an event not explained by natural or scientific laws” D. T. S. —“A
Mark 2:1-12, The Capernaum Caper by CHARLIE TAYLOR Around about 27 A.D. there was quite a crime committed in the small seaside town of
The Day the Fish Jumped into the Boat In Luke 5:1-11, the Bible has a wonderful story about a teaching miracle that Jesus did
Elijah vs. the Prophets of Baal—the Mauling on the Mount If we pick up the history of Israel at the end of King Solomon’s
The Deity and Humanity of Christ in the Gospel of John Last summer there was a wildfire spreading in the western states with a new
John 2, Saving the Best for Last Our Bible is divided into two Testaments (Covenants), the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testament
John 9—Believing is Seeing The fourth of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:8-10 says on the seventh day of the week “you shall not