Matthew 1- Christmas in the Genealogy
Christmas in the Genealogy, Matthew 1 The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew who had been a Jewish tax collector before Jesus converted
Christmas in the Genealogy, Matthew 1 The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew who had been a Jewish tax collector before Jesus converted
Hasidic Jews If you are in New York City or Jerusalem, there is a distinct group of people that stand out from all others.
The Rosetta Stone of Prophecy, Daniel 9:20-27 One of the recurring themes throughout the book of Daniel is that in spite of appearances, God
Masada—Resort, Fortress, Memorial Next to Jerusalem, Masada is the most popular tourist attraction in Israel. The name Masada comes from the Hebrew word meaning
Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan For years I was baffled by this classic popular parable. Jesus seems to be asking us to exhibit a love
Josephus—the Fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD Josephus was a Jewish historian who wrote near the end of the first century two books about
John 1:14, “The Word Became Flesh” One of the issues that most concerns philosophers from the beginning of recorded history until now is what
John 4—the Living Water The one question about Christianity that never seems to go away, and people have been asking me for thirty years is,
John 10—the Gate and the Good Shepherd The discourse in John 10 took place as a continuation of the John 9 story of Jesus
Hebrews 5—The Superiority of Christ as High Priest The author is Jewish writing to Jews who had professed faith in Jesus Christ as their
Inheritance Promises to Israel One of the key promises of God in the Bible that has always made the Jews a special people is
Luke 18:9-14, The Pharisee and the Tax Collector In business, the super successful like Donald Trump are full of confidence and pride in their
Luke 10:25-37, the Good Samaritan For years I was baffled by this classic popular parable. Jesus seems to be asking us to exhibit a love