Matthew 1- Christmas in the Genealogy
Christmas in the Genealogy, Matthew 1 The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew who had been a Jewish tax collector before Jesus converted
Christmas in the Genealogy, Matthew 1 The Gospel of Matthew was written by Matthew who had been a Jewish tax collector before Jesus converted
Matthew 2—The Grinch Who Tried to Steal Christmas You were probably like me and read “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas” by Dr. Seuss, to your
Illustrations of True Righteousness Many theologians and ministers teach the Sermon on the Mount as a way of salvation and a rule of Christian
Matthew 6:19-21, Your Treasure In Christ’s first long sermon called the Sermon on the Mount, He advised His disciples to make sure their heart’s
Disappointment With God—Matthew 11:3 Prophets in the Bible were God’s spokespersons who made big sacrifices in their personal lives to represent God well. They
Matthew 13:24-43, The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares Before Jesus came into the world and began His ministry, there was almost unanimous Jewish
Context, Context, Context: Matthew 18 The most well known rule of proper interpretation of the Bible is to be sure to interpret a passage within
Matthew 24-The Olivet Discourse In Matthew 21, Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem for the Passover feast and celebration. They came from the east
Matthew 25—The Parables of Christ The context of the parables that Christ told His disciples in Matthew 25 was the teaching from the Olivet