We will study the events and teaching of Jesus during the last week of His life in Jerusalem. Lesson 1 is the events that led directly to the anticipation of Jesus in Jerusalem for Passover by the crowds and religious leaders. Lesson 2-8 will follow what Jesus did every day from Palm Sunday until the resurrection. On Monday He cleansed the Temple and taught on the Temple Mount. Tues/Wed, He taught in the Temple and at night gave the Olivet Discourse. Thursday He had the Last Supper and gave the Upper room Discourse. Friday was the arrest, trials, and crucifixion. Sunday the resurrection.
This study will be at Park Cities Baptis Church in the Great Hall, second floor of the far east buiding from 11:45 to 1pm. Park in the underground garage. There is a catered lunch for $12 dollars. Lunch served beginning at 11:45 and Charlie will begin the lesson at 12:15.